Saturday, May 03, 2008

Republicans are Paying No Attention to Hillary

Isn't interesting and telling that the Republicans are not bashing Hillary any more? They keep talking about Obama and and Jeremiah Wright. Hillary never comes up.

I also notice that the Conservative Talk Jocks - especially Hannity - focus almost 100% of their attention on Obama. They wouldn't be doing that if they gave Hillary a chance.

Guam votes and the Kentucky Derby

Obama won another one - Guam. He won by seven votes out of 4,500 cast. It sounds like Obama won Guam by just about the same percentage margins that he is winning the popular vote. I haven't calculated it, but Guam may be a microcosm of the entire Democratic vote.

As for the Kentucky Derby, Hillary said to support the Filly in the race (just like she wants us to support the woman in the race for the Democratic nomination. While Eight Belles did finish second to Big Brown, unfortunately, she had to to be euthanized immediately after the race because she broke two legs....

We'll skip the euthanization part, but it does appear that Hillary is going to finish second in her race too. The only question is when she will recognize that inevitability. If she does it gracefully and supports Obama and helps him win, she will have more power and credibility than ever. She may never be President, but she will supersede Nancy Pelosi as the most powerful woman in our government.